Archive for June, 2010

06/29/10 Boardwalk

Posted: June 30, 2010 in Uncategorized

After another brutally hot day, I travelled a few miles east to the Seaside Heights boardwalk.  The amusement piers are always great places to photograph.

06/24/10 Seaside Park Beach

Posted: June 26, 2010 in Uncategorized

Just minutes from home, the beach in Seaside Park is my closest photography destination.  I’m lucky to live so close to the ocean.  Dusk always brings some incredible colors.

That’s my good friend, Bob Cannon, in the distance.

My curious friend, just growing new antlers, taken at Cattus Island on the way home.

06/23/10 Deep Cut Gardens

Posted: June 24, 2010 in Uncategorized

Took a drive up to Deep Cut Gardens in Middletown, NJ to test out a macro lens.  You never know what you will discover at this nature stop.  The “stomping grounds” for Joe Prusky, one of the top nature photographers at the Ocean County Camera Club.

This guy was well hidden and wouldn’t come out for the camera.

This robin had little babies running in the bushes and didn’t appreciate me at all.

Some huge koi fish in the pond.

These things are creepy!

It was a gorgeous night so photographer friends Larry and Rich joined me to shoot in Seaside Park.  We visited the Red Foxes for a while, then trekked over to the ocean and the Barnegat Bay.  The Red Foxes in Island Beach State Park seem to be emaciated.  Not sure if it’s from poor diet (people are feeding them junk food) or if they have mange.   Anyway, they definitely don’t look healthy as you can see below.

This fisherman had a perfect night in the surf.

So did this family with the red wagon. I had one of those 50 years ago.

We ran into these two handsome brothers at the bay.

06/13/10 Chip and Dale

Posted: June 14, 2010 in Uncategorized

I’m psyched … a couple of chipmunks have started hanging around my backyard.  There were so many feral cats the past few years, all the chipmunks had disappeared.   Since the wild cat problem has improved, they have returned.  Already eating out of my hand, Chip and Dale are quite the friendly guys.  It’s amazing how they can stuff their little mouths.

The “Mother Load”.

The BlueJay gets into the act.

My birdhouses are full.  I’m waiting for this Carolina Wren to fledge.

06/04/10 Feline Friends

Posted: June 5, 2010 in Uncategorized

Meet “Flopsy”, my neighbor’s cat.  He looks so sweet, but he terrorizes all the birds at my feeders.  The other day he had a battle with the street bully black cat.  Not sure who came out the winner, but Flopsy has been staying inside lately. When he and his brother first arrived, my two cats were freaking out.  But, they have made peace and don’t seem to mind each other.

“Flopsy” and his brother “Mopsy”.

Sammy and his sister Isabella, my two cats.  When the weather is bad, I annoy the hell out of them for photographs.

I spent the day with my friends Jarpi and Nancy from the Ocean County Camera Club. We started out at Island Beach State Park tracking down some red foxes, shot the sunset at the Barnegat Bay, and walked the boardwalk in the evening.

This past Saturday I visited with my niece, her husband. and their two gorgeous children. These two little girls are my all time favorite children to photograph.  You can see why in these images.  They just love to pose for the camera.  My nephew, Bob Linton was also there.  He has written and produced some independent films.  His wife, Amber LaFrance. a wonderful portrait photographer was with him.  If you need to photograph your family, kids, or pets, she is the one. Check out her website.