Archive for June, 2017

Finally after a month of looking, several days a week, Sharon and I found the Barred Owlets. This pair has nested in Acadia in the same hollow of a tree for the past several years. By the time we arrived in Bar Harbor, the owlets had already left the nest and fledged. We found one adult on the first day here, but no success finding the little ones. Needless to say, when we found them we were thrilled. Then, I politely asked the babies if they would mind lining up next to each other for some photos (lol). By the way, we haven’t located them since this day … the search continues.

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Mommy close by.

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Dad brought this one a mouse.

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06/14/17 Lupines on MDI

Posted: June 18, 2017 in Uncategorized

This is the first year we were early enough to see the Lupines in bloom. They are all over Mount Desert Island and we found several fields loaded with them. Such a beautiful sight, but they only last for a short period of time. So happy we had the chance to see them. Don’t tell anyone, but lupines are actually non-native and are invasive plants here in Maine.

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06/07/17 Eagles/Ospreys MDI

Posted: June 15, 2017 in Uncategorized

The last several days I have been shooting at the Mill Pond on Mt Desert Island in Maine. The alewives (herring family) have deposited their eggs and are heading back to the ocean. This annual occurrence causes a feeding frenzy for the local eagles and ospreys. It was like a parade, one after the other diving in the stream heading out to open water. This run of the alewives will end in a few days and things will again be quiet on Mill Pond.

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A Double Grab

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Crow harasses an Eagle


As I said in the previous post, the fish were running at this pond in Somerville, Maine. The ospreys were picking off the alewives all day long.

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06/01/17 Somesville Eagles

Posted: June 5, 2017 in Uncategorized

The fish are running strong at this pond in Somesville on Mt Desert Island in Maine. That brings the local eagles and many ospreys. Here are some shots of the eagles, the osprey photos will follow.





Eagle and Crow sidekick.


Well … I was about two hours late (again, lol).  Somewhere behind those clouds there’s an Aurora. It was pretty spectacular, several friends took awesome shots earlier in the night before the clouds rolled in. There’s always next time.




Last September