Archive for October, 2019

If you have been following me for a while, you know I have a special place in my heart for Common Loons. So far, it has been a great season for the nesting loons on Mount Desert Island in Maine. Last year, three made it to fledge, which is about the average over the last ten years. This year eleven eggs hatched and eight chicks are still going strong. The first chicks were hatched on June 14th and the youngest hatched on August 2nd. Normally it takes about twelve weeks for the chicks to fledge and be on their own. The first chick has fledged and hopefully, the rest will follow. I have been out in my kayak following four pairs for the last few months. I have so many photos I want to share, so I’ll break it down into two posts.

Here is “Part 2” of my loon photos.

11zz D4S_3770a1mLT1500

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